The Georgia Gerontology Society (GGS) is a statewide multidisciplinary professional network that educates, serves and advocates for older adults and their families.


GGS will be the principal network of educators, professionals and businesses that serve older adults in Georgia.


Founded in 1955, GGS was  formed to “promote the scientific study of the aging process; foster the development and dissemination of knowledge relating to aging;  foster activities and programs relating to aging; and afford a common meeting ground for representation of the various scientific fields interested in aging and those responsible for the care and treatment of the aged.” While our methods and activities have adapted and changed with the times, we have stayed remarkably true to our original purpose and have become a tradition for professionals in aging as a membership organization of people with a common interest in the field of aging. GGS is the largest state organization of multidisciplinary professionals in the field of aging. Our multidisciplinary focus allows us to build partnerships across sectors and help break down silos. There’s something for everyone at GGS. Our work focuses on 3 main areas:

  • INFORM – GGS provides quality education and training opportunities to enhance professional and personal development.
  • ADVOCATE – GGS fights to improve the lives of older Georgians through policy and legislative advocacy.
  • SUPPORT – GGS promotes careers in gerontology through networking, mentoring, and scholarships for students and early career professionals.


GGS has a Board of Directors which directs the business of the organization. The GGS Board of Directors is elected by the membership and is comprised of the officers, past president, sections and chapter representatives (if applicable), and members at large. Members of the Society may form regional chapters and/or special interest sections as needed.

For more information about the current Board of Directors and the Nomination Form, click here