2024 Annual Meeting & Conference
We are excited to invite you to share your expertise with us at the 69th annual GGS Conference on August 12-14, 2024. This three-day conference allows attendees to learn about new and innovative practices, develop new collaborative partnerships, and network with colleagues from across Georgia and beyond.
As the largest organization of multidisciplinary professionals in the field of aging in Georgia, GGS reaches across the state to educate, advocate for, and serve those working with older adults and their families. This conference attracts social and human service agencies, government entities, students, academic professionals, health care service providers, senior housing professionals, retirees, older adults, caregivers, and others interested in aging issues.
Check out our Agenda HERE.
Conference registration is now open. Click HERE to register.
Learn about our sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities in our 2024 Sponsorship / Exhibitor Prospectus. See our growing list of sponsors and exhibitors!
Great Wolf Lodge
150 Tom Hall Parkway
LaGrange, GA 30240
The resort has approved a special rate of $124 a night (plus applicable taxes and fees). The reservation deadline is July 22, 2024 to secure the discounted rate. Reservations can be made by calling 1-844-473-9653 or booking online with reservation code 2408GGS.
Great Wolf Lodge has a limited number of accessible rooms. Accessibility features vary by room. If you would like detailed information on picking the right room for your needs, call Ms. Angela Royal of Great Wolf Lodge on her direct line at 706-416-3637 or email her at ARoyal@greatwolf.com.
If you do not need assistance selecting an accessible room, you may book your room online using code 2408GERO.
Three Rivers Area Agency on Aging – Champion Sponsor
Reckon Branding – Champion Sponsor
Georgia Estate & Elder Law – Bag Sponsor
Tools for Life – Accessibility Sponsor
AARP – Supporter Sponsor
Georgia Health Initiative – Supporter Sponsor
G4A – Market & Mixer Sponsor
GSU Gerontology Institute – Contributor Sponsor
ActiveLife-Troup County Senior Centers – Community Partner
Alzheimer’s Association
Georgia Council on Aging
Mom’s Meals
Southern Gerontological Society
Diversified Resources
UNG Institute for Healthy Aging
The Georgia Gerontology Society Conference has been submitted to Georgia Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours. Georgia Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
GGS will apply for approval to offer CEUs for conference sessions. The type and number of credits offered will be determined by proposals submitted and selected. Details on additional CEUs will be updated as soon as available.
GGS does not pay a speaker’s fee, cover lodging or travel costs, or offer other forms of compensation for general presenters. Presenters will receive a discounted conference registration rate. You are not required to pay a registration fee if you plan to attend only your session.
We have invited expertise, research, lived experience, and promising practices in the field of aging to be presented at the GGS Annual Conference. The 7 conference tracks are listed below.
Age Friendly & Livable Communities
This track introduces cutting-edge ideas to make community living more rewarding. It explores the addressing of issues and policy implementation to help create viable and friendly communities for all as our population ages. Potential topics include housing access and affordability, co-housing and multi-generational housing, addressing homelessness and isolation, access to age-friendly community resources, the benefits of multi-use communities, civic and social involvement, health and safety, options for rural communities, and more.
This track will focus on advocacy approaches, initiatives, and opportunities related to aging issues at the local, state, and national levels. Advocates play a critical role in improving the health and social well-being of older adults, their families, and their care partners by educating the public and policymakers about aging issues and championing policies, laws, investments, and other actions that address those issues. Potential topics include discussions of policy and advocacy agendas, grassroots efforts, equity and inclusion, state and local aging plans, and advocacy strategies and best practices.
Caregiving and Care Partnership
This track explores caregiving and care partnerships. More broadly, family and informal care partnerships and caregiving are essential to our aging society. Care partnership is characterized by cooperation and joint responsibilities, reflecting a move to be more inclusive in caregiving. Potential topics include challenges, existing programming, services for care partners, and data on underrepresented care partner experiences.
Elder Justice
This track explores the rights of older adults in all areas of life and is for all who want to learn about justice for older adults. Elder justice is fostering social structures and creating policies that enable older adults to remain in the community and live free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Possible topics include fraud prevention, financial scams, legal assistance, estate planning, service access and program development for older adults, partnering with criminal justice professionals, building capacity, local research-based solutions, mandated reporting, decision-making capacity, and civil rights in guardianship and conservatorship.
This track shares best practices, ideas for creating unique and engaging programming for older adults, and examples of multidisciplinary collaborations that have produced measurable outcomes for participants. Mental and physical health and wellness impact all aspects of aging. Older adults and their loved ones seek programs and services offering innovative and practical opportunities to support their well-being. Potential topics include nutrition, physical activity, rest, stress management, mental and behavioral health, loneliness, social isolation and connectedness, sexual health, faith and spirituality.
Lived Experience
This track focuses on persons with lived experience with first-person, direct knowledge of aging issues, systems, and services. It further opens the opportunity to understand and potentially change and influence systems, research, policies, practices, and programs in aging. Potential topics include theory exploration, person-centered frameworks, the influence of lived experience in program development, relationship building, and more presented as in-person accounts or through audio-visual displays such as recorded accounts or reading of words of those with lived experience.
Professional/Workforce Development
This track will provide training, knowledge sharing and skill development opportunities for individuals in service of or working with older adults and persons with disabilities. Professional and workforce development is necessary to meet the current and future needs of an organization through group and individual improvement. Potential topics include time management, financial planning & investing, confidence building, and leadership skills.
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